Friday, August 6, 2021

Newsworthy Olympic Moment

 Newsworthy Olympic Moment

This week we had to do a piece of work on an Olympic moment I choose to do mine on a Kiwi and an English man. It was hard finding all the facts but i think i did it well. Hope you enjoy 


  1. Hi
    I am Angel-Mey from Yaldhurst Modle School Christchurch and I really liked your blog post, you have a lot of imformation on you slides. I watched the olimpics. Matt Walls did do very well while his track cycling race. Campbell Stewart also did very well. Maybe next time you could add somemore infomation about Campbell or do another athlete.#
    What is your favourite sport? What do you like about the Olympics.

    1. Thanks for the feedback my favourite sport is cycling and i like the olympics because it gives everyone a go and there was somebody my age competing in skateboarding i think

  2. Hello Eleanor, I'm Amelia from Yaldhurst Model School.

    I really liked the way that you had a bit of an introduction at the start but also heaps of information in the slideshow.
    I also liked how you told us how many medals each athlete had won.

    I did watch some of the cycling but I didn't see Campbell Stewart compete.
    I also watched heaps of the swimming and it was awesome.

    To improve this post, you could make it more colourful instead of only red and white, other than that this post is great.

    I think both athletes did great even though I didn't get to watch them compete.
    Imagine going to the Olympics, you would want to try your hardest too,right.

    Did you get to see them compete?
    Do you want to go to the Olympics one day?

    Cya later Eleanor, keep it up!
    -Sincerely, Amelia.

    1. Thanks for the feedback i saw them both competee and they where brilliant. I don't think i want to go to the olympics too much work thanks Cya later amelia

  3. Very David Attenborough style but except its Eleanor style B)
    Maybe some punctuation would do?

    1. Thanks for the feedback i thought i had punctuation and i am not sure who david attenborough is but thanks i think

  4. Thanks zoe i id have photos but next time i will add some more see you soon


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